[24], El Jadida has a hot-summer Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification Csa). Aujourd'hui, l'Université se compose de six établissements universitaires. Mazagan complex has a golf course designed by Gary Player, casino, nightclub and restaurants. The average annual temperature in El Jadida is 17.4 °C (63.3 °F). El-Jadida ou al-Jadida (arabe : الجديدة, berbère : ⴰⵍ-ⵊⴰⴷⵉⴷⴰ, Darija: j-jdida Écouter) --avec anciens noms al-Brija (arabe : البريجة), Mazagan (arabe: مازاگان, berbère : ⵎⴰⵣⴰⴳⴰⵏ, portugais: Mazagão) et al-Mahdouma (arabe: المهدومة)-- est une ville côtière du Maroc, à 96 km de Casablanca, chef-lieu de la province d'El Jadida. [22] The Portuguese would continue to control the city until 1769, when they abandoned Mazagão, their last territory in Morocco. ENCG El Jadida – Angle Avenue Ahmed Chaouki et Rue de Fés B.P.122 – 24000 El Jadida +212 (0) 523 39 44 35. Etudes supérieures après le bac au Maroc, un guide complet des écoles et facultés sur 9rayti.Com Master spécialisé et recherche par école. Master à Beni Mellal. Its visual qualities are such that several movies have been filmed within the cavernous space, of which Orson Welles' Othello is the best known internationally. The city is expanding as of 2014, partly as a result of increased activity at the nearby Jorf Lasfar port and its industrial zone. Coordinates: 33°14′N 8°30′W / 33.233°N 8.500°W / 33.233; -8.500, This article is about the Moroccan city. Publier Vos Annonces Gratuitement et trouvez des milliers d'annonces mises a jour : Offres emploi, recrutement, immobilier vente location, achat voiture occasion, auto moto, mariage et plus Tronc Commun : L’appellation octroyée à la première année de lycée étant donné qu’il s’agit d’une année d’initiation à la branche choisie après avoir réussi sa 3 ème année de collège au Maroc. El Jadida or al-Jadida (Arabic: الجديدة ; Berber languages: ⵊⴷⵉⴷⴰ), is a port city on the Atlantic coast of Morocco, located 100 km south of the city of Casablanca, in the province of El Jadida and the region of Casablanca-Settat. Eventually, Sultan Abd al-Rahman of Morocco ordered that a mosque be built and the destroyed portions of the city rebuilt. El Jadida, was first known as al-Breyja when it was seized by the Portuguese in 1502. Master et Doctorat. Il peut être affilié à une université ou à un organisme de recherche scientifique. Yassine Errafass | Safi Province, Morocco | Chargé de clientèle في Wafacash | 359 من الزملاء | عرض صفحة Yassine الرئيسية وملفه الشخصي ونشاطه ومقالاته [19] The star form of the fortress measures c 250m by 300m. [5][6] It has a population of 220,181 as of 2020.[1]. Histoire. إعلان عن مباراة ولوج سلك تلاميذ ضباط صف القوات المسلحة الملكية، خريجي المعاهد العليا للتكنولوجيا التطبيقية – سنة 2021، آخر أجل هو 7 فبراير 2021 Cours, exercices et devoirs du Tronc Commun au Maroc. According to UNESCO,[8] the most important buildings from the Portuguese period are the cistern, and the Manueline Church of the Assumption. Préselection EST Kenitra Licence Prof TCA 2020. Within a perimeter of around 120 km or less, are located Casablanca, Berrechid, Settat, Sidi Bennour, Oualidia, Youssoufia, Safi. L’Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion d’El Jadida (ENCGJ) est un établissement rattaché à l’Université Chouaib Doukkali. La formation initiale est la première formation obtenue au terme d'un cycle d'étude. 17-12-2020. The Portuguese built a citadel in 1514, and a larger fortification in 1541. Master à la FS. The fort had three gates: the Seagate, forming a small port with the north-east rampart, the Bull Gate in the north-west rampart, and the main entrance with a double arch in the centre of the south rampart, originally connected to land via a drawbridge. FST Settat Concours passerelles Licence S5 2020. [17][18], The design of the Fortress of Mazagan is a response to the development of modern artillery in the Renaissance. Annonces Maroc Annonces, site officiel de MarocAnnonces.com. L'université compte 1153 enseignants et professeurs enseignant à temps plein est de 1153 ce qui constitue le 3 e plus grand chiffre au Maroc. Elle est née de la fusion en 2014 de deux Universités Université Hassan II Aïn Chock et Université Hassan II Mohammedia dont les campus sont situés à Mohammedia et Casablanca.. Université Hassan II. Mise à jour ENCG Fes . Elle s'oppose à la formation continue. Upon their forced departure, the Portuguese destroyed the Governor's Bastion and evacuated to the Portuguese colony of Brazil, where they founded a new settlement called Nova Mazagão (now in Amapá). From the sea, El Jadida's old city has a very "un-Moorish" appearance because of its massive Portuguese-built walls of hewn stone, one of the Seven Wonders of Portuguese Origin in the World. Elle forme des futurs managers, dotés de solides compétences, capables d’intégration et de synthèse, de créativité et d’innovation, possédant les qualités nécessaires…, Présentation de l’Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion d’El Jadida, ENCG El Jadida – Angle Avenue Ahmed Chaouki et Rue de Fés B.P.122 – 24000 El Jadida, ECOLE NATIONALE DE COMMERCE ET DE GESTION - EL JADIDA, Résultats du Concours d'accès MSG - LPMO. [20] The slightly inclined, massive walls are c 8m high on average, with a thickness of 10m, enclosing a patrolling peripheral walkway 2m wide. Ce type de formation concerne ceux qui ont terminé la formation initiale (études) et sont pour la plupart rentrés dans la vie active, Inscrivez-vous à la newsletter de l'École Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion. The city, and particularly its neighboring town of Sidi Bouzid, becomes extremely busy in the summer season with an influx of mainly Moroccan holiday-makers. Espace étudiant. Master à la FSJES. Bienvenue dans la page d'accueil du site de l'UGESM (l'Union Générale des Etudiants et Stagiaires sénégalais au Maroc). Faculté FS El Jadida Master Spécialisé IRER 2020. In winter there is more rainfall than in summer. [23] The city was then taken over by Sultan Mohammed ben Abdallah in 1769 and remained uninhabited, having been dubbed al-Mahdouma (The Ruined). ... Résultats des Masters Spécialisés à l'ENCG Casablanca 2020-2021. Then, it became known as Mazagão. At the present time the fortification has four bastions: the Angel Bastion in the east, St Sebastian in the north, St Antoine in the west, and the Holy Ghost Bastion in the south. Master à l'ENCG. It has a population of 220,181 as of 2020. During the time of the French Protectorate the ditch was filled in with earth and a new entrance gate was opened leading to the main street, the Rua da Carreira, and to the Seagate. About 372 mm (14.65 in) of precipitation falls annually.[25]. 02/12/2020. 01/12/2020. Master à Kénitra. The fifth, the Governor's Bastion at the main entrance, is in ruins, having been destroyed by the Portuguese in 1769. Résultats ENCG El Jadida LP et Master 2020 2021. Désormais, récupérer votre code de bourse AMCI en un seul clic Maintenant c'est plus simple, plus sûr et plus efficace. Licence professionnelle Maroc 2020-2021 , licences professionnelles Maroc 2020 , licences pro , Licence Professionnelle Maroc 2020 2021 El Jadida or al-Jadida (Arabic: الجديدة; Berber languages: ⵊⴷⵉⴷⴰ), is a port city on the Atlantic coast of Morocco, located 100 km south of the city of Casablanca, in the province of El Jadida and the region of Casablanca-Settat. Liste D’attente supplémentaire TAWJIHI – ENCG EL JADIDA Dépôt du dossier: du 19 au 20 Novembre 2020 Télécharger : Liste supplémentaire. 17/12/2020. Nearby is the five-star resort complex of Mazagan, which attracts some middle-class Moroccans as well as many international visitors from the Arabian Peninsula as well as from Europe and beyond. Between Mazagan complex and El Jadida is the Pullman Hotel, attached to which is Royal Golf El Jadida, another 18-hole course. Along this street are situated the best preserved historic buildings, including the Catholic Church of the Assumption and the cistern. [7] The Portuguese Fortified City of Mazagan was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004, on the basis of its status as an "outstanding example of the interchange of influences between European and Moroccan cultures" and as an "early example of the realisation of the Renaissance ideals integrated with Portuguese construction technology". Créée en 1985 au cœur de la ville d'El Jadida dans la région de Doukkala-Abda, l'Université Chouaïb Doukkali a vu le jour avec deux établissements universitaires, la Faculté des Sciences et la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines. 02/12/2020. Master à El Jadida. The city houses many post-secondary academic institutions: Chouaib Doukkali University,[26][27] including the following institutions: Office of Vocational Training and Promotion of Labor (OFPPT),[34] including the following institutions: Near El Jadida, are located the city of Azemmour in the northeast and the town of Sidi Bouzid in the southwest. Résultats Ecrit Concours Master ISPITS 2020 2021. The reinvigorated city was renamed al-Jadida, or The New. El Jadida's former names were: Cap Soleis,[9] Portus Rutilis,[10] Rusibis,[10][11][12] Mazighen (Arabic: مازيغن, Berber: ⵎⴰⵣⵉⴳⴻⵏ),[13][14][15][16] al-Breyja (Arabic: البريجة),[10] Mazagão (Arabic: مازاگاو, Berber: ⵎⴰⵣⴰⴳⴰⵡ),[9][10] al-Mahdouma (Arabic: المهدومة)[9] and Mazagan (Arabic: مازاگان, Berber: ⵎⴰⵣⴰⴳⴰⵏ),[9][10], Expanded since 1514, this former warehouse (possibly an armory) was converted into a cistern in the sixteenth century. Master à la FSLH. AlMaster-Maroc.Com Portail des Masters Ouverts au Maroc 2021/2022 , AlMaster , Master Maroc 2021 2022 , Al Master , Al master Maroc , master maroc Première année du lycée au Maroc, après la 3ème collège. L'ENCGj offre la possibilité de loger les étudiantes grâce à des chambres équipées située au sein de l'école, l'école dispose également d'une buvette et des salles d'études... Filière Management des ressources humaines, Concours d’accès au cycle doctoral 2020-2021, Concours de recrutement: Poste transformé en Sciences de Gestion, Résultat définitif: Professeur assistant en informatique-informatique de Gestion 25 août 2020, Résultat définitif: Professeur assistant en Droit Privé Français 25 août 2020, ©2019 DIGITALUS COMMUNICATION - EL BOUKIOTY MOHAMED. For the album by Rabih Abou-Khalil, see, (in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish), Learn how and when to remove this template message, Seven Wonders of Portuguese Origin in the World, List of twin towns and sister cities in Morocco, "Résultat du RGPH 2014 Casablanca-Settat par région, préfecture, municipalité et commune", "Indicateurs RGPH2014 - Démographie - Commune : El Jadida", "POPULATION LÉGALE DES RÉGIONS, PROVINCES, PRÉFECTURES, MUNICIPALITÉS, ARRONDISSEMENTS ET COMMUNES DU ROYAUME D'APRÈS LES RÉSULTATS DU RGPH 2014", "الجهات و تسمياتها و مراكزها و العمالات و الأقاليم المكونة لها", "Portuguese City of Mazagan (El Jadida) - UNESCO World Heritage Centre", "Location of Mauritania Tingitana (from the First Map of Libya)", "مازيغن هو الاسم الأصلي لمدينة الجديدة المغربية Maziɣen", "Portuguese City of Mazagan (El Jadida) - UNESCO Advisory Body Evaluation", "DGPC | Cidade Portuguesa de Mazagão (El Jadida)", "Portuguese City of Mazagan (El Jadida) - World Heritage Site - Pictures, info and travel reports", "Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Social Sciences", "National School of Business and Management", "Superior School of Technology - Sidi Bennour", "Office of Vocational Training and Promotion of Labor", "Specialized Institute of Applied Technology - Al Massira", "Specialized Institute of Applied Technology - City of the Air", "Specialized Institute of Hotel and Tourism Technology - El Haouzia", "Institute of Applied Technology - Azemmour", "Regional Centers for the Professions of Education and Training", "Higher Institute of Engineering and Business", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=El_Jadida&oldid=1001467616, Port cities and towns on the Moroccan Atlantic Coast, 1502 establishments in the Portuguese Empire, 1769 disestablishments in the Portuguese Empire, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Articles needing additional references from January 2016, All articles needing additional references, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with Arabic-language sources (ar), Articles with French-language sources (fr), Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The Municipal Theater (Mohamed Afifi Theater), Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Social Sciences, National School of Business and Management (ENCG), Superior School of Technology (EST) - Sidi Bennour, Specialized Institute of Applied Technology (ISTA) - Al-Massira, Specialized Institute of Applied Technology (ISTA) - City-of-the-Air, Specialized Institute of Hotel and Tourism Technology (ITHT) - El Haouzia, Institute of Applied Technology (ITA) - Azemmour, Regional Centers for the Professions of Education and Training (CRMEF), Section of "Higher Technician Certificate" (BTS) (at ar-Razi Technical High-School), Section of "Preparatory Classes for Great Schools" (CPGE) (at ar-Razi Technical High-School), Higher Institute of Engineering and Business (ISGA), This page was last edited on 19 January 2021, at 20:26. The cistern is famous especially for the thin layer of water that covers the floor, and which creates fine and ever-changing reflections from the little light there is and the spartan shapes of the columns and the roof. Numerous colonial-era Portuguese cannons are still positioned on top of the bastions.[21]. 07/12/2020. The presence of nearby ports and factories is responsible for the pollution of El Jadida's beaches. The underground chamber, measuring 34 meters by 34 meters, was constructed with five rows of five stone pillars. A ditch, c 20m wide and 3m deep, formerly filled with seawater, surrounded the fort. Elle a été créée en 2006 dans l’objectif de diversifier les formations dispensées au sein de l’université et de former des cadres dirigeants capables d’exercer leurs compétences dans…, L’Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion d’El Jadida (ENCGJ) est une école ouverte à son milieu et opère en réseau avec plusieurs écoles et universités nationales et étrangères. Licence professionnelle Portail des Licence pro Ouverts au Maroc 2019/2020,formation continue et initiale,ofppt, public, semi public . Un laboratoire de recherche est une structure sociale constituée donnant un cadre de travail aux chercheurs.